Saturday 1 October 2016

XXL Magazine - Media Kit 2012

- These statistics show who XXL's majority and minority readers are.
- This information would help for the editors of XXL to create their magazine in a way which appeals to their targeted audience.
- 83% of the age range of XXL reader are 21 yrs +
- From these statistics it's clear that majority of the readers of XXL based in 2012 are black people (African American). The images of numerous XXL magazine issues also show black artist as the cover stars.
- Males are also the main audience XXL received in 2012 - majority of male artist are also shown as the cover star. 
- A s XXL is a rap genre magazine, this genre is very dominated by males and it's shown clearly through the amount of males to female on the front covers. - Only one female is shown as a front cover - Nicki Minaj. 

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