Thursday 20 October 2016

College Magazine Evaluation

Evaluation on my College Magazine


I created my front using the software Photoshop and my content page on InDesign. These softwares helped me to develop skills and knowledge on what is needed to include within a magazine that'll help me in the future. What I think was a success for my college magazine is my masthead. I arranged my masthead behind my covers head, as this is a technique is used a lot by magazine. I also didn't want my masthead to cover my cover star, as I want my cover star to stand out as much as possible. Also the colour scheme I choose was blue and red. I picked these colours because as my magazine is based on my sixth — form - LSC, which is the colours that the college uses. I thought this made my front cover look neat and the theme continuing throughout my two pages. The image I took of my model, Numa on my contents page writing on paper. This connotes the 'hard working student' I wish to portray in my magazine. My front cover image is also a medium close up, with my cover star giving direct eye contact to the camera. This makes looks as though she look right at the audience.
Some feedback I received by some of my peers were:

Next time I make a magazine I should arrange my contents page in less of a list arrangement,  as I think this made my content page look boring and lacked originality and creativity. I could have also made my cover lines stand out more, as the size and style of the font I used did not achieve the look I wish to give off. I had a puff displayed on the front that again didn't stand out on the page. I kept my background of my contents page plain as I wasn't sure on the colour of background I should use that would go well with my page. It was mentioned by Ebony and Karolina that the background I used for my front cover is distracting and could have looked better if it was on a black background instead. Next time, I will choose the background I use wisely that will suit my magazine and the colour scheme I use. I will also Include next time, more images on my contents page that would show a variety of people within my magazine instead of my magazine focusing only on one person.
To conclude, for my music magazine I will take the feedback I received from my college magazine to help with creating my music magazine. Overall I have done well for my first attempt in making a magazine as the skills I've learnt so far will definitely help.

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