Tuesday 27 September 2016

Mini Group Analysis on XXL - Kendrick Lamar - Double Page Spread

Displaying DSC_0103.JPG

- The double page spread article on Kendrick Lamar is written in first person.
- The article features Kendrick Lamar talking about his career, life, music and his family.
- The language of this article is written informally - implies the audience targeted for this magazine - young people.
- The is a pull quote is shown in the middle of the page to catch the readers attention straight away - The pull quote is a section of the article. - The pull quote is also shown in a different style of font and size, in order to make this part of the double page spread stand out.
- The left page of the double page spread is full of text of the star - The right page of double page spread is a image of the cover star.
- The article is shown in four collums in big paragraph.
- As the text is quite squashed together in small size font- This makes it harder to read as the isn't any spaces between the text or a image to separate some of the text.

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