Tuesday 27 September 2016

Mini Group Analysis on XXL - Content Page

Displaying DSC_0108.JPG

Displaying DSC_0107.JPG

- In XXL magazines the contents pages goes over two pages - these pages display article/ information that will feature in the magazine.
- The first contents page shown in XXL magazine is called 'The Side A'
- The sections are numbered in chronological order, in one column on each page.
- The images used in this contents page is of Kenrick Lamar- who is the cover star displayed on the front cover.
- This is a long shot of the star and the background colours used is the same as what was used for the front cover - pink and green.
- This contrasts with the other contents page.
- Kenrick Lamar is dressed in casual clothing.
- The information shown on this page is listing other rappers that will be in the magazine. - Of the same genre of music as Kendrick Lamar.
- The second contents page is called 'The  Side B'
- The colours used for this page is quite dark and not as colourful as the previous contents page - contrast.
- This contents page also numbered it's sectors in chronological order.
- The women in this image is more revealing in the way she is dressed. - This makes her look sexy and feisty - This could be to attract XXL's male readers.

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