- Maskhead is covered by star - Kendrick Lamar - shows the important of the star and the no need to show magazine name clearly as XXL is a well know reconisable magazine.
- The maskhead is red in the background and XXL is coloured white.
- The image of the cover star is a close up of him.
- Cover star is shown to be dressed in casual clothing - not in a costume.
- Cover star is shown to not show much facial expression, which could be interpreted as being intimating.
- These could also imply the genre of music the cover star is involved in - rap music - As the cover star is dressed and looks serious.
- The cover lines on the front cover of the magazine are displayed on the right side of the magazine and are aligned in columns.
- The cover lines also imply the type of genre the magazine XXL are focussing on - Rap/ Hiphop - as the artists displayed are also part of that genre.
-The cover line include artists that are including in the magazine as a selling point for customers.
-A additional cover line is displayed on the left as a quote from the fount cover star.
- The anchorage is displayed bellow the star - making it clear of who the star is.
- '+' is a puff.
- A barcode is displayed on the bottom left corner of the magazine.
- No skyline is displayed on this magazine.
- Website link is shown above barcode as a additional source to receive more on XXL.
- 3 colour scheme is shown as pink, yellow and green
- The font of the writing is sans-sarif, which makes it clear, simple and easy to read.
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